Thursday, November 13, 2008


It has been slightly more than a week since my finals ended, and i have yet to sit back and enjoy my holiday. I have been so busy, i guess you could say i was more free and available during my exam. *hmm* not really proud of it but it is safe to say after tomorrow, i will have more time to blog, watch my tv series and just spend more ME time *hehe*

Tommorow is a big day for me. First of, my final results will be out *deep breath*...yes! after 10 days, i will face the results of my 2 months worth of effort...was it enough? will it pay off? well i will find out at 10am...all i can do at this point, is pray that i will pass and my results will not only make myself but my parents proud as well. So for everyone who will be receiving their results..all the best!!..and just remember, whatever the end result is...lift your chin up and take the next step. Dont let anything hold you back...

Besides my results, IMU diwali night will be held tomorrow at 7pm at lecture theatre 2. I am in charge of the decoration and also performing in the fusion dance. It has not been an easy journey. It was suppose to be fun but the outcome seems to be the opposite. So im definately looking forward to just getting it over with tomorrow.

I promise more updates about everything after tomorrow. Till my next post.


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