Monday, July 21, 2008

So It Begins!

After a 1 month hols, its definately tough to go back to uni again. Some might find it easy, seeing that they might miss their friends or have had enough of the boring days at home and their slow deterioration of their brain. Well for me, i felt like the 1 month just flew by so fast, not that my holiday was AMAZING!..but i do like the lazing around and free time, although it can get boring at times..i suppose i will always choose that over the stressful uni life. So anyways how was my 1st day of uni???. It was as expected, timetable just got more hectic compared to the 1st sem. i still remember prof wilson (dental professor) telling us on our 1st week of semester 1 that sem 2 will be much better and less hectic... i guess he forgot about the 9-6 classes, 2 PBL sessions for medical and dental (Problem Based Learning), the double mms sessions (Medical Museum Session)... *argh!*.... Im just using this moment to complain and whine!!..tomorrow will be the day i accept and just deal with it.

Besides the fact that i have 2 major exams (1 dental & 1 medical) to sit for, my dental course does seem more interesting this semester. We actually going to learn about comparative anatomy, which is learning the anatomy of different animals such as dolphins, sheeps, monkeys. etc. There is also more practical stuff, were getting our new equipments and teeth model *wohoo*... so yes people! im looking forward to the fun and new stuff, not much of the exams and the studying part..although i really have to start studying more last minute prep..doesnt really help me!.

Anyways, starting a new semester..the first question people tend to ask you is. "how was your holiday?". and the response... there's the short answer such as "it was short!", "it was alright", and there was "it was awesome, i did....". What is my answer to that question you might ask, my answer was "*blank* ok"... it really did get me thinking..what did i actually do in that 1 month! how did i spend my time!..

1st week: i had a 21st bday party to attend, spent most of my time in bkt jalil. I was also doing the last minute planning for my sis's suprise 21st party.
2nd week: my sister was down, spent time with her and mum. watched movies, download Csi season 8.
3rd week: shopping with mum and sis for a new bedroom set, clean the house and spent time with friends, watch gossip girl
4th week : my sis left for goldcoast, sat at home and finished my COP!

there you have it, basicly thats how i spent my holiday, it wasnt anything spectacular but i guess im not complaining. I still enjoyed on my agenda is enduring the 12 weeks of uni..thats one good thing about the 2nd half of the year, its shorter then the 1st half...although there's always the end year exam which is tougher!! nothing good in life comes easy isnt it!


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